When hearing the word Sapphire,we immediately envision a stunning violet-blue gemstone because the word “Sapphire” in Greek refers to blue. For centuries, the Sapphire has been referred to as the ultimate blue gemstone.
Sapphire, the September birthstone, has been popular since the middle ages and is believed to protect your loved ones from envy and harm. Since Ancient times the Blue Sapphire represented a promise of honesty, loyalty, purity and trust which makes them one of the most popular engagement gemstones today.Medieval clergy wore sapphires to symbolize heaven, while commoners thought the gem attracted heavenly blessings.

Sapphire is a variety of the gem species corundum and occurs in all colors of the rainbow. Pink, purple, green, orange, or yellow corundum are known by their color (pink sapphire, green sapphire).

Blue sapphires range from very light to very dark greenish or violet blue and various shades of pure blue. They are found in many parts of the world, but the most prized Sapphires are from Myanmar (Burma), Kashmir and Sri Lanka. Sapphires with highly saturated violet-blue color and “velvety” or “sleepy” transparency are rare. The purer the blue color of the Sapphire, the greater the price. However, many people find that the darker hues of Sapphire can be just as appealing.