A Rare Plant Might Transform How We Find Diamonds


There are many ways for exploration of the Kimberlite pipes for diamonds, but according to new paper by Mr Stephen E. Haggerty, a rare plant Pendanus candelabrum could serve as a signpost for diamond indicator kimberlite, which might eventually lead to easier and less expensive diamond exploration.

Pendanus candelabrum

Pendanus candelabrum

The author of this paper Mr.Haggerty added that the plant only grew along the kimberlite and not over the adjacent ground. Mr Haggerty believes, this knowledge could make diamond exploration in West Africa a lot cheaper and this could dramatically change the exploration dynamics for diamonds.

Kimberlite is an igneous rock, best known for sometimes containing diamonds. Kimberlite pipes are the most important source of mined diamonds today.

Mr. Haggerty was uncomfortable with some press coverage of his paper, including headlines such as “There’s a Plant That Shows You Where Diamonds Are Buried.”

He stresses that, finding a kimberlite pipe does not mean you have found a profitable mine. Only 1 percent of kimberlite pipe discoveries result in economic diamond mines.

Mystery Diamond Color Treatment Stumps GIA



Even GIA doesn’t have the answer of Mystery Diamond Color. There are around 500 diamonds with uncommon color which is marked as Mystery Diamond by GIA.

The Gemological Institute of America reported that “as many as 500 diamonds may have been subjected to a new mystery color treatment that temporarily improved the stones’ color as much as three grades.”

GIA believes that the treatment temporarily masks diamond’s body color, resulting in a color grade that can be up to three grades higher than it would be normally.

According to spokesperson Stephen Morisseau, GIA first became aware of the tricky treatment after grading some 500 stones submitted by Israeli manufacturers over a series of month.

Mr. Morisseau says that “We reasonably believe these stones were treated in some way” and he also added that “We don’t know what the treatment is, we are actively researching it?”

GIA said in lab alert “We ask anyone who has purchased or holds these diamonds to please resubmit them to any GIA location for review. GIA will expedite the service, and no fee will be assessed.”

L.Y.E Diamonds, E.G.S.D. Diamonds, Romok Abramov, and Yair Matatov these four companies are banned by GIA. After this action by GIA only one company replied which was Romok Abramov? Abramov says ““All the stones mentioned in the GIA report are not mine, I Never saw any of those stones and don’t have any idea if they were treated.”

The World Federation of Diamond Bourses involved and sent statement expressing concern about the incident. The president of WFDB Mr Ernie Blom said that “This is clearly unlawful behavior, we will have no tolerance whatsoever for this type of alleged illegal activity. We are pleased that the GIA publicized this development so that diamantaires can be on their guard.”

3D Printer for Your Next Piece of Jewelry

Chuck Hull in 1984 created first working 3D printer. Its a process of making a three-dimensional solid object of virtually any shape from a digital model using an additive process, where successive layers of material are laid down in different shapes.  Imagine a machine that could disassemble old unwanted objects, and use the materials to print new objects — all in the comfort of your own home. Though the technology is 30 years old, it has now come into light due to falling price of the printer.

Recently people began to use 3D printers for creating anything they like, this includes iPad stands, guitars, board games, shoes and clothes, jewelry, even guns. You just need to design the product you want on computer and just print it in 3-D printer. You can refer below video on how 3D Printing works by Marina Mellinas.


It’s still rather niche, but 3D printers just got backing from one of the biggest vanity items around – jewelry.

Making jewelry with a 3D printer is important to the overall 3D printer ecosystem. The main benefit of manufacturing jewelry through 3D printing is that companies can make custom jewelry for clients at a low cost.

Jewelry with minute and filigree designs require a workshop where liquefied metal are poured into molds and the cost is high, whereas the same piece of jewelry can be prepared with comparatively low cost using these printers. Although the resulting pieces often appear to be complex, the process of their creation did not need to be time-consuming.

The use of 3-D printing to make really precise, miniature pieces of items in jewelry, and availability of mass production, may also drive up interest for 3D printing among the average consumer thus leading to even faster adoption.

3D- Printing technology has also proved as boon for fashion lovers, it helps designers turn intangible ideas into tangible attire by giving them a means to create their dreams.

Dutch designer Iris van Herpen debuted two 3D-printed outfits, a dress and cape/skirt combo in Paris Fashion Week this year.

3d_printed_dresses_fashionNot only fashion and Jewelry industry, 3D- Printing is spreading its roots in almost every field and the day is not far when it will become hard to imagine what else is 3-D printing good for.